For a problem that gives moles of Substance A and asks for mols of substance B use 1 step. For this one step you will just use the balanced equation ratios.
For a problem that gives moles of Substance A and asks for grams of substance B use 2 steps. Start with the balanced equation ratios for the first step and then use the molar mass (from periodic table in grams/mole) of substance B for the second.
For a problem that gives grams of Substance A and asks for mols of substance B use 2 steps. Start with the moalr mass of substance A and then use the bal. eq. ratios.
For a problem that gives grams of Substance A and asks for grams of substance B use 3 steps. Start with the molar mass of substance A, then use bal. eq. ratios, and then finish off with the molar mass of substance B.
For a problem that gives ml of Substance A and asks for grams of substance B use 4 steps. Start with the DENSITY, then use moalr mass of substance A, then bal. eq. raitos, then finish off with the molar mass of substance B. If you are ever given the grams and asked for ml, just reverse this order.
Now try to identify how many steps the following problems contain and what the steps involve (no need for any math, X and Z just hypothetical substances, just set problems up!!)
1. How many moles of X react wirh 25.0g of Z?
2. How many grams of Z will be produced from 12.35g of X?
3. How many ml of Z can be produced if we also produced 35.245g of X?
4. How many moles of Z can react with 500.0moles of X?
5. What mass of Z would be needed to produce 10.1moles of X?
BONUS: How many atoms of X can be produced from 25g of Z? Use mol island for this one
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