Friday, March 11, 2011

Fri, Kin./EQ Review / Tucker

Sorry for the late post for Thu...internet issues in hotel.  GOOD LUCK STUDYING THE MATERIAL AND SEE YOU ON MONDAY!!  Mr. Tucker
Kinetics & Equilibrium Review Answers
1.       Particles COLLIDE in the correct orientation and with enough force
2.       As temperature increases particles move faster and collide more often and with more force
3.      Surface area, concentration, and catalysts
4.      Surface area is increased
5.      Decrease temperature, decrease concentration of reactants, decrease surface area…..all would lead to fewer COLLISIONS
6.      The reactions continue at equilibrium….they are just at the same rate.
7.      K=  [H2O]2 / [HCl]4…….others are not used b/c liquid and solid
8.      0.09M
9.      If O2 is removed the reaction shifts to the LEFT (to add more O2)
if reaction shifts left, then NO2 and O2 increase and NO3 decreases on the graph
a)       Opposite of remove H2O is ADD H2O so shift left
b)        For this problem, write the word HEAT on the reactant side (left).
  the opposite of decrease temp in INCREASE TEMP so shift left towards the heat
c)      No Shift, SiCl4 is a liquid
d)      Opposite of Remove HCl is ADD HCl, so shift right
e)      When the word pressure is mentioned count the moles of gas on each side of the equation…..2moles gas on left, 4 moles of gas on the right…..Opposite of increase pressure is decrease pressure so go towards the side with fewer moles of gas…..shift left
11.   Increase temp, shift left
Add more S, No shift
Decrease H2-  shift left
Add a catalyst……  skip, do not worry
Increase volume…..skip, do not worry
12.   K = [H2S] / [H2]
a)  True, if K is greater than 1 the products are favored  (K = P/R)
b)  False, if K is less than 1, the reactants are favored
c)  Temp does not affect K, just concentrations of P and R
a)  N2(g) + 2H2(g)  à  2NH3(g)
b)  O2(g) + C(s)  à  CO2(g)…….this question is trick, but the C must come from    somewhere and the reason it is excluded from the K equation is b/c it is a solid

15.  First, find the concentrations of all substances by dividing mols by 5L
            [NH3] = 0.40M,  [H2] = 0.60M,  [N2] = 0.20M
        Then, figure out the K equation……K = [NH3] / [N2] x [H2]3
            K=  3.7

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