Today started out by picking up 2 sheets at the front of the room for the Heat of Fusion Lab. Then Mr. Tucker checked in the homework which was page 2 of Heat Calculations 2 and answered questions that the class had on it. After that we took a short quiz on thermochemistry that was similar to the notes we previously took in class on thermochemistry and the homework page.
Finally we conducted the Heat of Fusions Lab. The procedure to conduct the lab can be found on the journal page he handed to us in class. It looks like this.

While conducting the experiment we had to write down the lab data in our journals. Our lab group's data looked like this.

After filling out the data page, Mr. Tucker had us fill out questions 1-3 on the 2nd page of the Heat of Fusion Lab. In order to fill out these questions, the data be filled out. The numbers from our calculations can be found on the data page. Our calculations looked like this.

Lastly, Mr. Tucker handed out journal page 4, Heat Calculations 3 for homework. Journal page 4 and the Webassign are due tomorrow.
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